Are you struggling to find interesting data sets to analyze? Do you have a plan for what to do with a sample data set once you’ve found it? If you have data set questions, this tutorial is for you! We’ll go over the basics of what a data set is, where to find one, how...
Drawing on observational data of the residential locations of a sample of convicted sex offenders in Seminole County, Florida, this study explores the residential proximity of sex offenders to places potential child victims congregate and the neighborhood conditions/structures present in such communities....
Census Data Release Helps Many to Discover Where They Came FromIt's those three little words that always make Joyce Broadus smile.Rutkoski, Rex
Siding trends in US census data provide insights into key attributes coating formulators should focus on Read more March 30, 2020 Sustainability, Paints & Coatings One-coat corrosion protection with high performance and low environmental impact New developments in waterborne direct-to-metal coatings...
The 1990 Chinese census data reveals that 5% of girls born in China are unaccounted for based on 111.3 boys/100 girls < 1 year old. The normal universal ratio and the pre-one-child policy in the 1964 census was 103.8 to 100. Succeeding births are increasingly proportionately higher until th...
Bugs aren’t just occasional nuisances, they’re crucial to the environment. Now populations of species worldwide are falling at alarming rates.
In many cases, demographics data is open geospatial data because it’s made publicly available by government agencies. For example, SafeGraph has aggregated and cleaned data from the US Census Bureau and theirAmerican Community Surveyreport to cover demographic approximations across the US from 2016 ...
Best place to get demographic data: US Census Bureau (via SafeGraph) Cost:Free A lot of demographic data is publicly and freely available through government agencies, such as the US Census Bureau. However, it isn’t always easily accessible or cleanly formatted for the kinds of analyses it’...
We use the most up-to-date data available from dozens of public data sources including theDepartment of Education,U.S. Census, andFBI. View All Data Sources Rankings, grades, and profiles From rigorous analysis, we refine and simplify complex data into comparable rankings, grades, and profiles...
aWe are interested in testing whether an investor could identify one or more census tracts where historical data could be used to earn an abnormal return and interpret this as evidence of market inefficiency. 我们是对测试感兴趣投资者是否可能辨认一个或更多人口调查短文,历史数据可能用于赢得反常回归和...