Learn How to Use Census Records in Genealogical Searches
Subsequent census records, beginning in 1880, also listed the birth states or nations of the parents of those who were enumerated. This can open up new avenues of research into earlier generations for you. Birthplaces in census records are often incorrect, especially when it pertains to the par...
readpst public_records.pst Outputs a single file in mbox format, which is a more open format you can import into a number of email clients. That includes Mozilla's Thunderbird, which you can import using the ImportExportNG add-on. Convert PST to individual email files readpst -e -D publi...
USA.gov:USA.govcollects many federal resources under one umbrella. You can look up public records, locate government offices, or learn where to submit requests for birth or death certificates. National Archives:Archives.govstores historical documents, military service records, and older census data....
Census records can indicate that a building was present at a particular address at the time the census was taken. Papers found in the building itself, its archives, will often indicate when the building was present. Notes and annotations written on the building itself may indicate dates of its...
If you wish to find further information on an older home you can search for the owner’s name in census records up to 1930 (1940 records will be released in 2010). You will find the owner’s occupation and the names of all people living in the home at that time. ...
It's easy to think of maps as sets of visual directions. Whether you're trying to get to the top of Mount Everest or to a friend's new home, a map can help you find your way. But maps can do more than help you figure out where you are and where you're going. They are repre...
In the first national census, 650 U.S. marshals went house to house unannounced on horseback all over the nation to count people, writing with quill pens on any scraps of paper they could find. The cost of that first census project was $45,000 [source:Washington Post]. Compare that with...
Census Records Census records provide another useful avenue for research, providing a snapshot of the community at 10-year intervals. Most libraries store these on computer disks or microfiche. Search the records for your town or county to learn who was living at your house at the time the c...
Not much is known about Anna beyond her registration record. Census records show she and her husband Samuel lived in Elizabeth where she continued to work in the garment industry. She did not naturalize and passed away in 1974. In USCIS history she is the first A-File. ...