In summation, as long as the stone grinding plates aren’t an issue for a person the Wonder Mill jr. is a quality grain mill effective for grinding a nice bread flour. Someone looking for a wide range of adjust-ability may want to look at other mills, and someone hoping to grind damp...
spacious building to convert into a home and studio.The vast floor area of the old grain mill near the centre of Bruton, Somerset, had just what they were looking for."Oddly enough we'd passed by it dozens of times without noticing its potential," says Mark. "I tracked down the owner...
On Route 146 in Millbury, you’ll findThe Shoppes at Blackstone Valley. This mall is located approximately halfway between Worcester and Providence, R.I., serving a major populated area outside of Boston. The mall prides itself on being “the largest open-air shopping center in all of cent...
Burns Night is primarily celebrated in Scotland, and you’ll find Burns Night celebrations in most cities, towns, and villages throughout the country. There are also a number of people who celebrate Burns Night throughout the rest of the UK, Ireland, and in countries where a lot of Scottish...