–在windows下,有两个可选的用户 vimrc 文件,一个是$HOME\_vimrc,另外一个是$VIM\_vimrc。 Vim 启动时,会先尝试执行系统的 vimrc 文件(通常此文件不存在),然后将按照上述顺序查找用户 vimrc,并使用所找到的第一个用户 vimrc 中的配置,忽略其余的用户 vimrc。 –在Linux下使用的 vimrc 文件名为.vimrc...
.vimrcVim settings .zshrcThe magic that makesZshandoh-my-zshbehave amazingly. BrewfileList of things to install viabrew,brew-cask, andmas Scripts & Commands Scripts in/bin fzfcommands NameDescription appLaunch apps. Will display all installed Mac apps with icons. ...
As I mentioned in my last post, I am a bit of a computer nerd. The last couple of months have seen my head buried in my Mac’sTerminaltapping out and learning old-style commands:grep this,ack that, andvim you. I say old-style but thecomputer terminalis still as current and as usef...
There is an issue saving code folds / folding (Vim views) in Neovim 0.2.0-2 (installed via pacman in Arch Linux). Per this StackOverflow thread, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2142402/code-folding-is-not-saved-in-my-vimrc I tried every permutation of autocmd BufWrite * mkview aut...
Secondly, whenever you executedot-installyour.dotfilesdirectory is scanned for files ending with.symlink. Some real life examples in order to illustrate how this works: $DOT_HOME/vim/vimrc.symlink =>$HOME/.vimrc $DOT_HOME/vim/vim.symlink =>$HOME/.vim ...