I’d like to walk through my personal .vimrc file section by section and break down what and why I have the configuration settings I do. Given that my .vimrc has over 15 years’ worth of built-up cruft, this will also be a good exercise for me to clean i
Editing~/.vimrcand issuing a command to do the installation probably doesn't seem like much of a savings over the manual install process, but the real benefit to vim-plug is in updates. To update all installed plugins, issue this Vim command: :PlugUpdate If you don't want to update al...
Which means, once the file is closed, Vim returns to (the default) concealing line numbers. To activate line numbers permanently: 1. Open the Vim configuration file with the name.vimrc. vim ~/.vimrc 2. Enter “Insert” mode by pressingi. 3. Append the following line to the file: set...
Create a test-vimrc file with the following contents; this will ensure that Vim will load plugins from the ~/plugin directory and not the ~/.vim directory: set nocompatible set packpath=~/plugin,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim80,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,~/plugin/after p...
The wizard will copy the template file.vim/bash-support/rc/personal.templatesto.vim/templates/personal.templatesand open it for editing, where you can insert your details. Pressito insert the appropriate values within the single quotes as shown in the screenshot. ...
If you want syntax highlighting enabled by default when you open your vim editor, just add this command to your vimrc configuration file: syntax on If you’re not familiar with the vim “vimrc” file, it is the vim configuration file, and it can be found in your home directory on a ...
Before installing Vim, it’s a good idea to update the package manager. This ensures that you have the latest packages and dependencies installed on your system. To update the package manager, open the terminal and run the following command: ...
We are currently editing two files namely file1.txt, file2.txt. You might want to open another file namedfile3.txtfor editing. What will you do? It's easy! Just type:efollowed by the file name like below. :e file3.txt Open additional files for editing in Vim ...
First, vim will openfile1. To switch to the next file (file2), we need to use the:ncommand. When we want to return to the previous file,:Nwill do the job. In order to switch fromfile1tofile3. a).The:bufferscommand will show a list of the file currently being edited. ...
git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle Next, we’ll have to recreate our~/.vimrcfile to tellvimto use our new package management system. vim ~/.vimrc Inside, we need a few things to start us off. First, we need to make sure thatvimis not attemp...