Question: Where do nanotechnology engineers work? Engineers: An engineer is a person who builds, designs, or maintains machines, engines, and infrastructure. There are different fields in engineering like civil, mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical and aeronautical. ...
Where do neutrinos come from? Where do quark stars come from? Where do gamma rays come from? Where does dark energy come from? What is the origin of synchrotron radiation in radio galaxies? Where does radioactivity come from? Where does dark matter exist?
It contains vast quantities of neutrinos, charged particles, atoms, molecules, dark matter and photons ranging from the highest-energy radiation to the sluggish light of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) albeit rather sparsely spread out. According to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (...
How do we know subatomic particles exist? What subatomic particles are found in the nucleus? Where are neutrinos found? Where is the Higgs boson? When were the subatomic particles discovered? What subatomic particles are present in an alpha particle? Which subatomic particles have no charge? What...
that there’s already some dark matter particles but we’re not able to distinguish them yet. For example, [collisions inside the CMS detector] produce a lot of neutrinos: neutrinos are invisible as well. How do you tell the difference between a neutrino that’s invisible and a dark matter...