“So far we know of only one such parameter in particle physics that has a nonzero value, and has to do with the properties of quarks,” Zupan said. Whether or not something similar also is present for the neutrinos is an interesting open question.” Sousa said scientists around the worl...
Neutrinos are matter particles, but antimatter neutrinos, calledantineutrinos, also exist. And that leads to a very important question. Neutrinos oscillate, but do antineutrinos also oscillate and do they oscillate in exactly the same way as neutrinos? The answer to the first question is yes, wh...
Why do scientists study particle physics? What subatomic particle has an approximate mass of 1/1840 amu? Why did Rutherford change Thomson's model of the atom? What distinguishes mass from weight? Why are neutrinos important? A) For subatomic particles, why is it that protons and electrons are...
Why are neutrinos important? Why is there no strong force between neutrons? Why is the particle theory important? Why were alpha particles used in Rutherford's experiment? How did Henry Moseley contribute to the atomic theory? Why is californium radioactive? Why is the photoelectr...
2. Lack of Domestic Expertise and Infrastructure Nuclear energy requires highly specialised knowledge, infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks—none of which currently exist in Sri Lanka. Developing a nuclear energy program would necessitate the import of costly technology and skilled personnel. ...
The proton, neutron, and the pions are examples ofhadrons. The electron, positron, muons, and neutrinos are examples of leptons, the name meaning low mass. Leptons feel the weak nuclear force. ... This means that hadrons are distinguished by being able to feel both the strong and weak ...
Why do we exist? This is arguably the most profound question there is and one that may seem completely outside the scope of particle physics. Butour new experimentat CERN's Large Hadron Collider has taken us a step closer to figuring it out. ...
If the experiments do not bear out the hypothesis, it must be rejected or modified. Yes; perhaps we could come up with a new particle to save conservation of energy! If the trick works, does that prove neutrinos exist? I am not complaining about neutrinos, I am merely trying to get ...
Another possible solution is that aliens are broadcasting their signals, but we just don’t know how to detect them. Maybe using the electromagnetic spectrum to broadcast is outdated to them and they’ve moved on to communicating with neutrinos, gravity waves, or something we...
Since neutrinos are made in the radiative zone of the Sun, which is a high turbulent zone, the knots created could be from the mixing/stretching of knots of electrons during nuclear fission. I am an enthusiast and would appreciate anything about knot theory and atomic structure. Reply «...