Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Live) - Kurt Cobain My girl my girl Don't lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through Her husband was a hard working man And it's ...
Kurt Cobain - 原声吉他弹唱精选 [音频] 夏落 3361 播放 · 1 弹幕 科特柯本独唱原声 杰弱史密斯 1785 播放 · 0 弹幕 Hole - Where Did You Sleep Last Night live 1991 专心吃草的羊 1534 播放 · 1 弹幕 【翻唱&教学】Nude - Radiohead 空心大树 284 播放 · 0 弹幕 『是有气无力翻唱哦』...
《Where Did You Sleep Last Night》1993年Nirvana涅槃乐队在“纽约不插电”演唱会上翻唱的最后一曲,没有以往的狂躁和震耳欲聋的鼓点,取而代之的是一把木制吉他,鲜花,矿泉水和香烟。Kurt Cobain借一个沉重的故事,把内心的恐慌、压抑、愤怒演绎得淋漓尽致,最后悲切苍凉的嘶吼,无疑让人感受到内心的沉痛与绝望,...
MTV Unplugged In New York (Live Acoustic) Nirvana 1994年11月1日试听 歌词 My girl, my girl, don't lie to me Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines, in the pines 登录以查看完整歌词 出演艺人 大卫·格鲁 鼓 Krist Novoselic 原声低音吉他 Kurt Cobain 演唱、 原声吉他 Lori...
【Where Did You Sleep Last Night】是Nirvana乐队在“纽约不插电”的最后一曲绝唱,不久后Kurt Cobain吞枪结束了自己在歌迷眼中近乎封神的生命。Kurt用凄惨的嘶喊不断的询问‘My girl“,渴望着答复但却并没有得到任何回应,结尾处一声洞穿沧桑苦旅的悲鸣贯彻灵魂.KWhere Did You Sleep Last Night? (Live)-Nir......
Four days after Kurt Cobain blew his head off with a shotgun, Hole released Live Through This. It was and remains a rock masterpiece. For better or worse, it turned Courtney Love into the superstar she always said she was going to be. The year had been a battle and at the Hollywood...
Nirvana《Where Did You Sleep Last Night 纽约不插电演唱会 现场版 (Live)》MV在线看!Nirvana 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Nirvana的『Where Did You Sleep Last Night』 此曲因為Nirvana93年不插電LIVECobain的絕唱叫世人動容。 Cobain在不插電上最後,聲嘶力竭的 我想應該稱其為哀嚎吧。。。叫人記憶猶新。。。 明明演唱前他和世人的互動是那麼近乎絕望的平靜。。。 關於詞曲的介紹下面我會引一段百科。現在,只需要傾聽。
Not since the late Kurt Cobain have I had such a huge crush on a rock star, but then again neither Kurt Cobain or Andrew Vanwyngarden are what anyone could call typical of rock stars, right? I met him on a dark night in Manchester with the sky glowing a shade of pinky orange light...
I can see the neighbor’s pussy from here! When did they get a kitty? I just hung up some blankets that kinda cover most of the damage from the inside and keep anyone who drives up my street from seeing me walking around without a shirt on… ...