It's hard to believe it's been 30 years, but the hard rock and metal world was at a major tipping point back in 1994. Grunge may have been thriving, but signs of wear were starting to show. The genre also suffered the death of its most iconic star withKurt Cobain's passing. Meanwh...
Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain became the voice of a generation and brought rock’s most dominant movement of the ‘90s into the mainstream. Kurt’s incredible songwriting skill, iconic yell, highly experimental style and chaotic stage presence personified what the world was looking for in music at ...
If a man has character, everyone has confidence in him. — Omar N. Bradley 103 Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you kno...
I want to make all Europe and America know it - I want to make England feel her weakness if she refuses to give the justice we the Irish require - the restoration of our domestic parliament. — Daniel O'Connell 49 Trying to make her feel sorry for you is not going to make her wan...
Hitler reportedly said, "If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it." After WWII ended, however, no one dared wear the style aside from Michael Jordan's short-lived attempt to bring it back in a 2010 Hanes commercial. Photo: Call of th...
be one of rock's most influential bassists by virtue of his membership in Nirvana, but that doesn't mean he was a slouch. Each of the band's three albums boasts numerous examples of his fluid, lyrical bass lines, carrying songs from start to finish behind legendary frontman Kurt Cobain....
If you remember using a pay phone on a road trip: it's time you looked into adding retinol into your skincare routine. 1990s, 90s, 90s, 90s, nostalgia, retro, 90s kids, 90s kids Getty Images You LIVED for Weekends at the Mall ...
(DGC, 1994) Released just after the death of Courtney Love's husband, Kurt Cobain, in 1994, a lot of attention was initially heaped upon Hole's 'Live Through This.' But over time, Hole began to emerge out of the Cobain shadow with a disc that truly solidified them as a force in th...
If you remember using a pay phone on a road trip: it's time you looked into adding retinol into your skincare routine. 1990's, 90s, '90s, 90's, nostalgia, retro, 90's kids, '90's kids Getty Images You LIVED for Weekends at the Mall ...
be one of rock's most influential bassists by virtue of his membership in Nirvana, but that doesn't mean he was a slouch. Each of the band's three albums boasts numerous examples of his fluid, lyrical bass lines, carrying songs from start to finish behind legendary frontman Kurt Cobain....