SAP HANA Software Product View products (1) Hi, Can i use NE operator in WHERE Clause of a SELECT statement or any performance issue will come if the number records in the DATABASE Table is huge. Can anyone suggest me whether to use NE operator or not in WHERE Clause of a SELECT Qu...
Where clause criteria in fiscal year is different, the first using between (BT) and the second (time_out) issue is equal (EQ). of course the other selection-criteria remains same (OBJNR, KSTAR, etc).In this case I tried to retrieve data directly from database (SE11) to compare its...
Unknown column 字段名 in ‘where clause’ Unknown column 字段名 in ‘where clause’ 这个错误是我目前遇到最让人抓狂的错误。 这个错误的意思是**没有找到这个字段名。**我把代码翻来覆去的看,怎么看都是对的。这个时候,我看网上的大佬说,直接把sql语句放mysql运行一下看可以吗。 如果可以跑出来,就是代码...
An SAP table query can use the SQLINoperator to specify a list or range of field values in aWHEREclause. It is useful when used in conjunction with a job parameter to pass values at run time. This is implemented internally by using the ABAP statementSELECT-OPTIONS. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Hello, First 10 offset of awkey has to copmare with seelcted value of VBFA-VBELN so we need to write AWKEY+0(10) = t_link_inv-vbeln in WHERE clause while reading the table BKPF but in WHERE clause on left hand side we can not write...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Business One Hi Experts, I was trying to write a stored procedure for a UDO. The scenario is explained below. In a UDO there is a user defined field called STATUS, this field has two values one is "PED" and "APPROVED". Users will add the form in PED status...
mysql语句执行顺序 1.sql的顺序 from->join->on->where->group by->avg\sum...->having->select->distinct->order by 2.mysql的语句结构 clause> [clause>] [WHERE clause>] [clause>] [clause>] [clause>] [clause>] select子句是必选的,其他可选 3.补充 from...子句组装来自不同数据源的数据; ...
If you use a LOOP AT statement with a WHERE clause in SAP ABAP, the table whole will be read through and not only the entries that satisfies the WHERE clause. This can lead to performance problems when a very large internal table is read many times with
: lv_where_clause. " --- OUTPUT --- " ( CARRID EQ 'ABC' ) " --- OUTPUT ---Demo 2REPORT ZR_DEMO_SELTAB_TO_WHERE. data: lt_seltab TYPE zcl_abap_seltab_to_where=>tt_named_seltables, lt_rng_carrid TYPE RANGE OF sflight-carrid, lt_rng_fldate TYPE ...
sapno sqliteno sqlite-abstractno sqljsno sqlserverno Are you willing to resolve this issue by submitting a Pull Request? X Yes, I have the time, and I know how to start. ✖️ Yes, I have the time, but I don't know how to start. I would need guidance. ...