SAP HANA Software Product View products (1) Hi, Can i use NE operator in WHERE Clause of a SELECT statement or any performance issue will come if the number records in the DATABASE Table is huge. Can anyone suggest me whether to use NE operator or not in WHERE Clause of a SELECT Qu...
An SAP table query can use the SQLINoperator to specify a list or range of field values in aWHEREclause. It is useful when used in conjunction with a job parameter to pass values at run time. This is implemented internally by using the ABAP statementSELECT-OPTIONS. ...
Where clause criteria in fiscal year is different, the first using between (BT) and the second (time_out) issue is equal (EQ). of course the other selection-criteria remains same (OBJNR, KSTAR, etc).In this case I tried to retrieve data directly from database (SE11) to compare its...
💂作者简介:THUNDER王,一名热爱财税和SAP ABAP编程以及热爱分享的博主。目前于江西师范大学本科在读,同时任汉硕云(广东)科技有限公司ABAP开发顾问。在学习工作中,我通常使用偏后端的开发语言ABAP,SQL进行任务的完成,对SAP企业管理系统,SAP ABAP开发和数据库具有较深入的研究。
如果p_field2 为空,则这个动态条件总为 true,因为第一个条件为 false,但第二个条件为 true(NOT INITIL)。但是,如果 p_field2 不是空,则这个动态条件只有当 p_field2 等于 p_value2 时才为 true。 因此,该查询将从表中选择所有满足 field1 = p_field1 条件且满足动态条件的行。 无桐 | 园豆:204 ...
: lv_where_clause. " --- OUTPUT --- " ( CARRID EQ 'ABC' ) " --- OUTPUT ---Demo 2REPORT ZR_DEMO_SELTAB_TO_WHERE. data: lt_seltab TYPE zcl_abap_seltab_to_where=>tt_named_seltables, lt_rng_carrid TYPE RANGE OF sflight-carrid, lt_rng_fldate TYPE ...
当一个基本表有多个索引的时候, where 语句中的字段顺序应该与索引的顺序一致,无论第一索引还是第二索引。 在选择一个索引的时候,优化机会检查where语句中字段名,然后选择一个与这些字段名排列顺序一致的索引。 另外一个提示就是如果一个表是以 客户端编号MANDT 开始的,而索引不是的话,则优化机很有可能不会使用...
If you use a LOOP AT statement with a WHERE clause in SAP ABAP, the table whole will be read through and not only the entries that satisfies the WHERE clause. This can lead to performance problems when a very large internal table is read many times with
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Can someone please tell me why the following WHERE clause (marked with *** below) is not finding any EQUAL conditions? I know that table i_cust_mast is populated with several thousand rows and that there ARE matching rows in KNVP. Here is the ...
这位朋友咨询的其实就是 SAPGUI 里标准的 Where Used List 功能。 比如SE37 里,输入一个 Function Module,点击工具栏上的 Where Used List 按钮: 就能看到系统里全部 161 处使用了这个 Function Module 的 ABAP 代码位置: 现在需求就是,搞清楚 ABAP Where Used List 功能,到底是从什么地方把这些数据取出来的。