Your contributions will not be forgotten; our awesome community value them highly, and you might even receive financial gratitude from the project's creator in the future. Let's come together to create the most coolest Next.js template in the world! This will be a joint effort and a shared...
But Johnson’s path to survival will be especially rocky if Greene decides to force that vote between April 19 and mid-June — when an Ohio special election is expected to bump up his margin, bringing him back to two votes to spare. While no other Republican has ...
Calling something a "release candidate" is meaningless if it introduces new regression errors that were not present in the previous "release candidate". Apparently, there is no difference between release candidates and previews both of which I will now assume are the equivalent of betas. Whether ...
including “White Dudes for Harris,”“Cat Ladies for Kamala”—a dig at the Republican vice presidential candidate who attacked Democratic women activists as “childless cat ladies,” and “Elders for Kamala” which focused on climate change and how supportive and knowledgeable Kamala Devi is on ...
I also want to make timing optional: ETW events have a high-resolution timestamp and some tools will pair up start/stop events, so doing my own timing isn’t always necessary. If there’s no listener on my ETW events it’s also inefficient. So the EventSource starts taking shape. 1 ...
support Jenkins on operating systems that are no longer supported by the operating system provider. Administrative monitors added in this pull request will alert administrators of the end of life of the operating system that is running Jenkins so that they can upgrade to a supported operating ...
announce_rc --define=grpc_no_ares=true --noincompatible_remove_legacy_whole_archive --enable_platform_specific_config --define=with_xla_support=true --config=short_logs --config=v2 --define=no_aws_support=true --define=no_hdfs_support=true --experimental_cc_shared_library --experimental_...