The disappearance of No Labels once the ballot line is passed over to a candidate allows the group to remain a nonprofit, and no donor would be disclosed. No Labels could also stay mum on how much money it has raised and where that money might go moving forward i...
No Labels attracted scorn from Democrats, whofearedthat a third-party bid could siphon away votes from President Biden and benefit former President Donald Trump. Before nixing its efforts, No Labels said it qualified on the ballot in 21 states, far more than independent candidate Robert F. Ke...
said. “The Democrats, my Democrats, this is my party my whole life, okay have done this to themselves with quixotic, windmill-chasing, with bad, bad talking points, with the candidate that they chose. This is what the Democrats have done. No Labels is just speaking for t...
No Labels leadership hasrejected criticism that they will spoil the 2024 electionby running a third-party option. "We will never fuel a spoiler candidate," No Labels' chief strategist, Ryan Clancy, previously said. "We don't want to fuel any sort of candidacy that's pulling more votes from...
First and foremost, the share of the electorate made up by independent moderates isn’t large enough to win a presidential election. Secondly, despite distaste for Biden and Trump, each remains well-liked by his party, reducing the potential draw of a No Labels candidate. Meanwhile, the group...
The No Labels political organization wants an alternative to Trump and Biden. The group won’t tell voters who their candidate is until next year.
“Had No Labels ever given any indication that it might pursue such a gambit, the Dursts never would have funded the organization. That is because, in a Presidential election, anyone who votes for a third-party candidate votes on neither side.”...
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event Friday, Sept. 27, 2019, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher) By BILL BARROW, Associated Press John Kerry got "Swift Boated" in 2004. For Hillary Clinton in 2016, it was her "damn emails." ...
Colin Powell: The Tea Party Cannot Produce A Presidential Candidate Who Will WinChristopher Santarelli
with three people who were nearly nude laying in giant packages similar to the ones raw meat products are sold in this afternoon. Those activists were covered in fake blood and positioned themselves on giant meat trays that were wrapped in cellophane, complete with fake labels. ‘Whole Foods is...