aCamshaft position sensor information is usually used to determine the ___ position for fuel control (when to inject the injectors). Engine speed ___ is used to calculate IAC counts to ___ the target idle speed. 凹轮轴位置检测器信息通常用于确定___位置为燃料控制(何时注射 注射器)。 发动机...
ainjectors are cooled by a combination of the intensive bore cooling in the cylinder head being close to the valve pockets ad by the fuel which is re-circulated through the injector when the follower is on the slope of the cam or when the engine is stopped 注射器被冷却在气缸盖的密集的打...
A lot happens under the hood of a car when it starts up. The fuel pump sends fuel to the injectors, which spray fuel into the combustion chamber. The throttle body opens up to mix air with that fuel, and the spark plugs fire off in sequence to get each cylinder’s air/fuel mixture ...
The method involves controlling the start and end of the injection process by opening and closing fuel injectors. During injection a definite reduction in the fuel pressure occurring in the injectors occurs so that the increased pressure caused by closing the injection valve at the end of the ...
To overcome this deficiency the fuel line (11) to each engine cylinder is connected to a hydraulic control line branch pipe at a point between the measuring valve (1) and the injectors (13). In each interconnecting pipe (38) is a non-return valve (37) biased to open if the hydraulic ...
ainjectors are cooled by a combination of the intension bore cooling in the cylinder head being close to the valve pockets ad by the fuel which is re-circulated through the injector when the follower is on the slop of the cam or when the engine is stopped 注射器被intension乏味冷却的组合冷...