Recently I _ presented _ the magazine to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Me morial . Its front cover carries a photograph of me as a little baby . You might find _it remarkable _ that my photograph was chosen as the image of the ideal Aryan baby when anti-Semitism _was surg...
061 What ocean microbes reveal about the changing climate Angelicque White 13:06 062 How the magic of kindness helped me survive the Holocaust Werner Reich 11:02 063 A new type of medicine, custom made with tiny proteins Christopher Bahl 04:42 073 Imaginative sculptures that explore how ...
Walter Benjamin was a German Jewish philosopher,born in Berlin in 1892. He was wide-ranging in his interests; his work waltzed from translations of verses by the French poet Charles Baudelaire to the essayThe Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. (In a nutshell? Originals good;...
Scare over anti-Semitic flyers in DeKalb was a “historical document” someone had been using to study the history of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. - December 31, 2019 Karol Eller, pro-Bolsonaro youtuber, faked a homophobic attack in Rio de Janeiro Brazil - December 17, 2019 26 ye...
For many centuries, race has been the cause of holocausts like the Jewish Holocaust and slavery. The race issue can be viewed from different perspectives. In recent years, people have used traits like skin color to define a person’s race, even forming perceptions of their intelligence, ...
In some of them, yes. And I think two in particular, Yugoslavia, which had this awful, awful civil war from ’92 to ’95 and then Rwanda in ’94, where there was the world’s worst genocide since the Holocaust. And I think it was hard to report on those two crises, conflicts, at...
option is that — people believe — once the army has leveled Gaza City, they will move south, pushing people further toward the Egyptian border. After such a point, there will be no return, repeating the1948 Nakba, when Palestinians were displaced from thei...
In the same moment the word was born that I was a killer of jews. There was no talk of a jew… I would have had to kill more than one jew every day and I still would have not reached the named number of 87… Testimony of Knoll (a prisoner) microfilm pages 000623-4. No human...
To this day, the Nazi Holocaust continues to prevent many Jewish people from believing in God. Satan uses it as the biggest stumbling block for the numerous Jews who can’t accept that a loving, all-powerful God would allow such a horrible thing to happen. Granted, millions perished, yet ...
Anne Frank in America: When the Single Most Famous Document to Come out of the Holocaust Was Published in America Half a Century Ago, It Caused a Sensation That Made and Ruined Reputations and Ignited Furious Arguments That Resonate Today