term that has been legally obsolete since the introduction of India’s 1950 constitution, which formally abolished the practice of untouchability. Managing a nation as large and varied as India, especially after enduring 200 years under British colonial rule, is an enormous task. Despite these hurdl...
It is related to being shot. If a bullet penetrates your head it will leave a hole. Nobody wants a hole in their head. The original expression can probably be traced back to Yiddish (a language used by Jewish people before the holocaust.) The Yiddish saying is: “Ich darf es vi a l...
What we do know is that the Big Bang created the universe 13.8 billion years ago – the first of a series of key events in our history. And we know what happened next, a fraction of a billionth of a second after that moment. At this point, the universe was smaller than an atom. I...
Focuses on the virtues of the hospice as an option for end-of-life care for terminally ill patients in the United States. Origin of the term 'hospice'; Revival of the term in 1976; Philosophy about the significance of death and dying wit... D Caloras,MJ Coloney,CA Kangas,... 被引...
“9/11 and Holocaust trutherism are so dumb that i reckon the truthers are secretly controlled by the CIA” Samuel @50degreesamTwitter(April 21, 2017) “Sadly, that probably won’t convince the anti-vaccine ‘truthers.’ They’ll keep on causing real danger—in the form of once-eradicate...
I mean, he's not so much denying the holocaust as being a smart-arse edgelord about it, but it's still pretty vile. — Tom Magennis (@TomMagennis) July 30, 2017 The term edgelord was defined on Urban Dictionary by 2015 and is established online by 2017. Google registers search interest...
“inflammation of the brain that makes you tired.” Its cause remains a mystery, though research continues and isolated cases still occur. One theory is that it is triggered by an excessive immune response to bacteria. At the time of its emergence, it was thought to be connected with the...
the Greek root, which appears in only a handful of familiar words besidesholism, such asholocaustandhologram. (And even in those words its suggestion of "wholeness" is not obvious.) In this light, the formation ofwholisticseems a natural, if not inevitable, step in the evolution ofholistic....
In one of the few opportunities to evaluate the role of early life exposure to adverse conditions on human prostate carcinogenesis, Keinan-Boker et al. (2009) [11] demonstrated that Jewish men exposed to famine and stress during early life at the Holocaust are at high risk of PCa with ...
Romans 5:12–14, then, is the origin story of Sin and Death’s cosmic reigns. When God’s law arrived to Adam, Sin and Death launched and secured their global dominions. Finally, I show the implications of my proposal for a post-Holocaust reading of Rom 5:12–21. Some post-Holocaust...