When the camera is mounted more than once (e.g. add a console print right before the code that returns the Camera element) - it doesn't work. Quick workaround (hack) - to set the isActive property to true only a little after the component was mounted (tried doing it with react-navi...
'CameraDevice was already closed', ) ) { setResetKey(prev => prev + 1); } }} /> )} What I tried I need scan QR code I done these steps ./android/gradlew clean rm -rf android/.gradle android/.idea android/app/build android/build ...
If none of those have worked then then last thing to do is make sure you Mac OS is up to date. Go to Apple Menu, About this Mac and click on software Update. You can see my version was 12.4 and the latest update was 12.5. So go ahead apply the update and restart your Mac if ...
So I recently had to upgrade to the current version of Spotify while I previously had updates turned off for Spotify because I didn't like any of the updates that had been coming out. I was running on a version of Spotify from late 2022/early 2023, but I had t...
The Fiji Council of Social Services commends the coalition government for the speed at which they were able to produce the National Development Plan ... 18 hours ago Speight was released after due process, no interference from any other parties – Rabuka ...
In contrast to T cells, substantial myeloid cell infiltration was observed in all tumor types[135]. While MSI (Microsatellite Instability) status was associated with higher CD8(+) T cell infiltration in CRC, myeloid cells were abundant in both MSI and MSS (Microsatellite Instability-Stable) ...
GoPro、HERO 及各自的标识均为 GoPro, Inc. 在美国境内和其他国家/地区的商标或注册商标。所有其他...
@0xZOne, I don't know exactly how this kind of warning is shown, but nothing is displayed on the screen or in the log We've had similar issues. when this crash occurred, there was a memory pressure warning: https://github.com/flutter/engine/blob/22b1214189447c82dbba183952c2466c4c5f6...
I suspect that the code was originally written by somebody who only had access to Mellanox HCAs, since they are (in my experience) by far the most common IB hardware in use for about the last 10 years. The Intel irdma driver has opted to only implementhw_counters, rather than the older...
lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) 19:15:34 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 3 in stage 0.0 failed 1 times; aborting job 19:15:34 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0, localhost, executor driver): geotrellis.raster.gdal.MalformedDataException: A bandCount of <= 0 was ...