it restarted WiFi kept disconnecting for a few days, but now if I'm connected to WiFi the phone just shuts down. I think the longest it's gone without restarting when connected in the last 24 hours is about half hour, but yesterday was happening every few minutes until I turned WiFi...
Hello, welcome to the Community, and thanks for reaching out. I can certainly understand how concerning it is for your S22 to shut off - 3055472
Also found out my phone was defaulted setting to where there was no call waiting so while I was on one call it sent the other straight to voicemail! 0 Likes Reply Shawn75 Constellation Options 02-17-2024 07:33 PM in Galaxy S24 I am also having issues. I...
If you do not insert the SIM card properly, your phone may not recognize it. Check that your SIM card is placed on the tray with the gold-colored contact facing upwards and is fixed firmly into the tray. Galaxy S22 / S23 / S24 Series phones that are designed to support ...
This site uses cookies. By clicking ACCEPT or continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.See our Privacy Policy here. Read More Accept Last Update date :Sep 05. 2024 If your Galaxy phone is not vibrating when you receive calls or notif...
GALAXY S22 傳聞規格 如果謠言可信,即將推出的 Galaxy S22 系列將採用 Exynos 2200 芯片組和帶有 RDNA2 圖形的 AMD Mobile Radeon GPU。 有傳言稱它將配備三攝像頭設置——一個 50 MP 主攝像頭、一個超廣角攝像頭和一個具有 3 倍光學變焦的電話攝像頭。 Ultra 版本預計將提供 108 MP 主攝像頭。 其他功能包括...
I haven't had a Galaxy since the S2 (which was great) because I couldn't afford it. So I thought my experience with the S20 FE would be excellent, but this typing glitch is frustrating. My son says that I won't have any such issues with Samsung's largest...
I checked this on my Fold3 and S22U, and I can activate and use WiFi while in flight mode.You could try reset the network settings, though this will delete all WiFi and Bluetooth settings.To do this go to Settings->General Management->Reset->Reset Network Settings.If that doesn...
If none of those have worked then then last thing to do is make sure you Mac OS is up to date. Go to Apple Menu, About this Mac and click on software Update. You can see my version was 12.4 and the latest update was 12.5. So go ahead apply the update and restart your Mac if ...
The Samsung Galaxy S22 series is great, but many users have been plagued by bootloops for a year or more. If you're finding yourself among that number — don't worry, you aren't alone — Samsung does offer a potential fix. A quick search of the r/SamsungGalaxy subreddit shows multipl...