2.2. Liver Perfusion Male albino rats (Rattus novergicus, Wistar strain), weighing 190–220 g, were main- tained on a regulated light–dark cycle under constant temperature (22 ± 3 ◦C) and fed ad libitum with a standard laboratory diet (Nuvilab®). Anesthesia was brought about by ...
Though the first approach has not been industrially implemented so far, the grain boundary diffusion process was introduced industrially some years ago [13]. 3. Theoretical Recycling Potential of NdFeB Magnets in the European Union until 2040 In this section, the theoretical recycling potential of ...
The observations and the sought constant rate response can be written as h(χ, T) and g(χ, T), respectively, and, adopting the definition of q introduced for method 2, observation at each recurrent ∆t can be expressed as h (χ − j) T 2 writing a system of 2nT equations ...