Martins,Hua Zhao.New European Drive Cycle (NEDC) simulation of a passenger car with a HCCI engine: Emissions and fuel consumption results[J]. Fuel .2013Pacheco AF, Martins MES, Zhao H. New European Drive Cycle (NEDC) simulation of a passenger car with a HCCI engine: Emissions and fuel ...
A drive cycle comparison of a passenger car running with and without this technology is performed, showing the potential changes and the possibility to comply with new and tighter emissions standards. A commercial simulation software was employed for the vehicle simulation whereas engine data was ...
Application of the above-described drive-train model is necessary so as to convert the vehicle speed vs. time data of the cycle from Figure 1, into engine speed/engine torque vs. time points. After that, the simulation analysis described in Section 3.2 can be applied for the initial (quasi...
Higher speeds, faster acceleration and longer duration need a more realistic driving cycle. As a result, a new test procedure that reflects real-world driving conditions has been applied since 2017, and the previous development environment optimized for