When LSD Was Legal (And Cary Grant Was Tripping)
Apologies, I had a family health crisis last week and was out of office sInce last Tuesday and I’m still playing catch-up. I will try to test it out in the next few businesses days, but it may only be next week. MCOfficer and bnfinet reacted with heart emoji ...
Since nestedness tends to reduce reff (ref. 9), it was suggested that nested mutualistic networks favour structural stability. Nevertheless, we found here that the effect of mutualism on the effective competition depends on the value of the direct competition parameter r. A simple computation, ...
In particular, we cannot type equations such as let x " preturn V q in N " N rV {xs if return V was sub-effected to τ ą 0, with the xτ y in N 's context the culprit. However, when considering sub-effecting as a coercion coerceτďτ1 M , we believe we can add it...
This is really annoying. The following author was inserted in my database (books database) via a lookup in the Bnf (bibliothèque nationale de France) : Czesław Miłosz. Now, when one search my site for the string Milosz (we can't even type a ł on our keyboards), he won't ...
STALKER WHO STILL HAUNTS ME FROM A CELL IN BROADMOOR; the Nightmare Began When Victoria Was 12. It Lasted Seven Years and Still She Cannot Feel Free
The placement of the region within a larger economic circuit and political structures provides interesting insight into the very different trajectories of both of these districts with respect to land tenure. Rodero remained a private property and, from 1778, was ahaciendaand latifundia called Nuestra...