When a compound modifier appears after the noun it is modifying, it should almost always stay open (unhyphenated). Hyphens in compound modifiers before nouns There is no grammatical rule that tells us exactly which compound modifiers to hyphenate before a noun and which ones to leave open. ...
However, do not hyphenate terms like a third or a half. Rule 3a. With figures of four or more digits, use commas. Count three spaces to the left to place the first comma. Continue placing commas after every three digits. Important: Do not include decimal points when doing the counting....
Lastly, although it is a niche rule, a lot of guides mention that you should spell out numbers if they are used in a common phrase or colloquial expression. If the number is large, it is also advised to hyphenate in the spelling. For instance: I think the song goes: “Ninety-nine ...
A prefix is a word or letter that comes before another word. Use a hyphen to combine the two (prefix + the target word). Examples: • Ex-girlfriend • Trans-Atlantic • Self-service • Mid-1980s • Co-exist • Anti-immune • Re-create Pro tip:Hyphenate all words starting...
Spell out any number that would only take one or two words to write. Those two-word numbers? Hyphenate them, e.g., ninety-nine. Spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence. However you choose to handle writing out numbers in your work, stay consistent throughout. There should be ...
Is 'if' a preposition? Is 'while' a prepositional phrase? When to hyphenate adjectives Is 'while' a linking verb? When not to use a comma before quotation marks? When to use 'as such' in a sentence Define clause When to use an en dash What are articles in English grammar? What is...
KOReader version: v2024.11 (Same issue happened with previous version) Device: Pocketbook Touch Lux 4 (Vivlio version V627.6.7.1974) Issue The app crashes when trying to download Dictionaries from the app Steps to reproduce Open the app,...
In particular, do not use the wordprocessor's options to justify text or to hyphenate words. However, do use bold face, italics, subscripts, superscripts etc. When preparing tables, if you are using a table grid, use only one grid for each individual table and not a grid for each row....
""" if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError("bad number of positional parameters") page, text = args quads = kwargs.get("quads", 0) clip = kwargs.get("clip") if clip != None: clip = Rect(clip) flags = kwargs.get( "flags", TEXT_DEHYPHENATE | TEXT_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE | TEXT_...
Ebro then asked the singer if she's going to hyphenate her last name to become Ariana Grande-Davidson, something that isn't too foreign to Ariana, whose last name is currently hyphenated as Grande-Butera. While she said she is going to hyphenate Pete's last name, professionally, ...