Rule 1. Spell out all numbers beginning a sentence. Examples: Twenty-three hundred sixty-one victims were hospitalized. Twenty twenty was quite a year. Note: The Associated Press Stylebook makes an exception for years. Example: 2020 was quite a year. Rule 2a. Hyphenate all compound numbers fr...
Use a hyphen to join words or parts of words. Do you hyphenate numbers? Hyphenate numbers between twenty-one and ninety-nine when spelling them out. Hyphenate two-word simple fractions like one-third when spelling them out. Can hyphens and dashes be used the same way? No. While hyphens jo...
With this in mind, not all adverbs end with -ly, so there is plenty that you can hyphenate in your writing! 6. Use a Hyphen for Special Hyphenated Words Although it may sound a little redundant, you should use hyphens in words that are supposed to have them. Some words in English...
To hyphenate or not to hyphenate? That is the question. - Is a stand, or a small kiosk, where newspapers are sold known as : a news stand a newsstand,or a news-stand? The Oxford English Dictionary saysnews-stand The Cambridge English dictionary saysnewsstand ...
When to hyphenate up to date When to hyphenate numbers When is follow up hyphenated? When to hyphenate adjectives When to use hyphens When to use a hyphen or colon When to use an apostrophe in a last name? When to use a hyphen instead of a comma? When to spell out numbers When do ...
Spell out any number that would only take one or two words to write. Those two-word numbers? Hyphenate them, e.g., ninety-nine. Spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence. However you choose to handle writing out numbers in your work, stay consistent throughout. There should be ...
Lastly, although it is a niche rule, a lot of guides mention that you should spell out numbers if they are used in a common phrase or colloquial expression. If the number is large, it is also advised to hyphenate in the spelling. For instance: I think the song goes: “Ninety-nine ...
Pro tip:Hyphenate all words starting with the prefix self except self psychology. • Hyphens also join words with a suffix Like prefixes, suffixes join with other words with the help of hyphens. However, these come toward the end of words. ...
When you use two words together as a single thought describing or modifying a noun and you put them before the noun, you should hyphenate them. For example: there'soff-streetparking here chocolate-coveredraisins this is afamily-ownedbusiness ...
DoNotHyphenateCaps DoNotIncludeSubdocsInStats DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone DoNotOrganizeInFolder DoNotRelyOnCSS DoNotSaveAsSingleFile DoNotShadeFormData DoNotSnapToGridInCell DoNotSuppressBlankLines DoNotSuppressIndentation DoNotSuppressParagraphBorders DoNotTrackFormatting DoNotTrackMoves DoNotUseEastAsianBreakRules...