柯林斯英语释义:If you say that something is bound to happen, you mean that you are sure it will happen, because it is a natural consequence of something that is already known or exists.at some point:在某个时候;迟早在第一集也出现过这个习语,是Beth Ann邻居的台词:“At some point, they are...
“Shapeshifting does not mean that animals are coping with climate change and that all is ‘fine’,” says Ryding. “It just means they are adapting to survive it—but we’re not sure what the other ecological consequences of these changes are, or indeed that all species are capable of ...
Don't hesitate anymore. The best time to invest is now. Employers are encouraged to B sales in the form. A travel accent is a person of business that arrange these people's holidays and then raise. Although the young man failed in starting his own business, he didn't lose face. The ...
3.The mere fact ___C___ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.why4.The car ___B___ halfway for no reason.A.brokeoffB.brokedownC.brokeupD.brokeout5.The publisher will send you a specimen copy of their new...
When people hear “Artificial Intelligence (AI),” many think of big data. The reason is that some of the most significant AI breakthroughs have relied on enormous data sets. But AI is not only about large data sets, and research in small data approaches in the past decade has grown exten...
A语篇类型:应用文 主题语境:人与社会 词数:217 难度:★★BestplacestovisitintheUK(2022·河南省信阳市高一上期中)TheUnitedKingdomhaslongbeenapopularEuropeantouristplaceformanypeoplebecauseofitsbeautifulcountryside,historiccities,topmuseumsandoutstandingtheaters.HerearesomeofthebestplacestovisitintheUK.Cambridge...
wanttheircartobeprogrammedtoprotecttheminpreferencetootherpeople.However, regulationsmightonedayinstructthatcarsmustactforthegreatergood.Thatwouldmeansaving themostpeople.Butthescientiststhinkruleslikethiscoulddriveawaybuyers.Ifso,allthe potentialbenefitsofdriverlesscarswouldbelost. Compromisesmightbepossible,KurtGray...
themillersdaughter theminimalunitsofmean then abner looked beh then ad conj then add the rice then amaziah then another one said then answered amos an then back to xining then barnabas went of then be the first of then believe me then beware then bit by bit then bless you then camethe da...
初来乍到第1季第1集台词 英文中文Mom, check it. Fresh as hell, right?妈瞧瞧酷毙了对吧Eddie, don't say "Hell."埃迪...
i dont like to watch i dont mean to be so i dont mean to sound i dont min i dont need your reas i dont owe you a mo-t i dont quite know i dont really like yo i dont wanna break yo i dont wanna go i dont wanna say i dont wanna see you i dont wanna spend an i dont wa...