What does “no internet access” mean? “No internet access” indicates that while your device might be connected to your local network, it cannot reach the broader internet. This can happen due to: ISP service interruption DNS resolution problems Router configuration issues Network security blocks...
Worse, number two, AdWords doesn't line up to reality with itself. I'll show you what I mean. So let's go over to Google Trends. Great tool, by the way. I'm going to talk about that in a second. But I plugged in "lighting design," "lighting consultant," and "types of lighti...
Mutable assignment makes no sense.” This is a notation mismatch: “equals” should mean “equality”, when it really means “assign”. I agree with this criticism and think it’s bad notation. But I also know some languages don’t write a = a + 1, instead writing a := a + 1. ...
I removed the annotated class from the hibernate.cfg.xml file. I was not using Spring. But somehow this workedI do not know why this piece of code does not workorg.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: entity.Buyer this error persists so I commented the code ...
Gavin Allen:What does the digitalization of SMEs mean to you, and why is it important? Phoebe Koundouri:Digitalization is crucial for the financial sustainability – the survival – of any business, big or small. It is crucial for Europe to get its SMEs digitalized because SMEs make up such...
Q: It has been nine years since your book “Industrie 4.0”, was published. What has and hasn’t changed since that initial vision and what does Industrial Internet of Things mean to you today? A: Industrie 4.0 was an initiative of the German industry and research under the guidance of ...
There is no clear limit to this. You can connect as many users as you want to but that doesn’t mean their system and network connection is able to handle it. The asset will fundamentally work on a peer to peer basis. A conference call between 10 users means that each users need to...
It does not mean what someone with an OO or dynamic background might understand: “every value in a Num type is also in a Fractional type”. If this were the case, then your reasoning would make sense: then the Num value bar would be insufficiently general to be used in the foo ...
A complete guide to the benefits of an all-remote company Adopting a self-service and self-learning mentality All-Remote and Remote-First Jobs and Remote Work Communities All-Remote Benefits vs. Hybrid-Remote Benefits Checklist All-Remote Compensation All-Remote Hiring All-Remote Learning ...
Does Giving Cash Work in Philanthropy? There are a number of studies that show how cash grants can help families. For instance, families in Kenya who were given one-time cash transfers of $1,000 (in U.S. dollars) showed positive results, according to a 2021 study. These findings were ...