consumer = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': 'server:9092', '': 'group_id', '': False, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest'}) print(str(consumer.get_watermark_offsets(TopicPartition('topic_test', 0))) try: consumer.subscribe([config.KAFKA_INPUT_TOPIC]) while True...
There is some sort of deadlock that we are intermittently hitting within kafka-python when our applications are calling commit(). The consumer will drop out of the group w/o the process actually dying and the only fix is to restart the process. This is hurting us badly, we are having ...
You have a Mule Application that consumes messages from Apache Kafka using a Consume operation and in case of errors you implemented an Error Handler with a Seek operation to reset the offset of the consumer for the current partition and topic.Upon execution of the error handler you recei...
Kafka employs a dumb broker and uses smart consumers to read its buffer. Kafka does not attempt to track which messages were read by each consumer and only retain unread messages; rather, Kafka retains all messages for a set amount of time, and consumers are responsible to track ...
kafka justly justifiably joyous journals jonathan joking joe's jockey jerome jefferson's jason jaguar jagged jacoby itch istanbul isolating isle irritated irritable irregularly irradiated ironing iodinating inversely inverse invaluable invaders invade intrinsic intra intimidation intimated interstellar interrelated ...
Steps to reproduce the issue: Start a fresh empty Kafka cluster (2 or 3 brokers). Run Datadog agent with kafka_consumer integration enabled and pointing to all brokers in kafka_connect_str. All good for now. The agent is sending Metadata...
Apache Kafka broker version: 2.13-2.8.1 Client configuration: {...}: "": False, "auto.offset.reset": "earliest" Operating system: linux Critical issue: yes I think Author abdallahashraf22 commented Feb 8, 2024 • edited confirmed the problem not from anything regarding ...
If we assume RequiresStableInput does not work (which I'm almost certain it does not) then this is incorrect, no? It is easy to see that KafkaCommitOffset might have written offets to Kafka so it will never vend the messages again, but the main message processing could fail and need ...
root@kafkaqrdtest:~# python DEBUG:root:Main process started with pid 15820 WARNING:root:Assignment: [TopicPartition{topic=kafka,partition=3,offset=-1001,error=None}, TopicPartition{topic=kafka,partition=4,offset=-1001,error=None}, TopicPartition{topic=kafka,partition=5,offs...
at$anonfun$run$1(OffsetAwareConsumer.scala:90) at scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable(Breaks.scala:42) at