Some cat behaviors are easy to pick up on and understand, even as members of an entirely different species. For example, you know to immediately stop petting a cat when it swats or hisses at you. Yet,territorial behavior in catsoften flies sneakily under the radar. In short:Cats are very...
On the wall by the door is a faded poster of a cat hanging from a tree, with the words HANG IN THERE written in white bubble letters. I don’t know who put that up, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Joe. “This is the staff room,” Jensen explains, “but I always tell my ...
I won’t lie that a part of me feared that the parents may look at this short in disgust at the fact that it dares to show a different culture other than Christianity to a naive and easily mislead American youth and that it has the gall to present an alternate religion in a way othe...
Nadia Vulvokov is a firecracker, cartwheeling and fizzing before our very eyes. She sizzles and shimmers and sets your heart racing, but she also spits and hisses and sends your blood pressure rocketing sky-high. The leading lady of Netflix series Russian Doll is flush with intellect and r...
a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are now in: INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1947) RED enters, removes his cap and waits by the chair. MAN #1 Sit. Red sits, tries not to slouch. The chair is uncomfortable. ...