they have a vocabulary of sounds ranging from caterwauls to mewing sounds, from hisses to the "silent meow" which is probably a sound pitched too high for human ears to hear. The familiar "miaow" is used mainly for communicating with humans as we are evidently too thick to understand anyt...
he will need comfort, but if he’s really riled up and hisses at you or pulls back, this may be an indication that now is not the time to pick him up. In most cases, your cat will come to you when he wants to be soothed. Sometimes just knowing that you’re there and that you...
what happens when noses touch unwisely effervescence of hisses as they meet plus an explosion of running cat feet Posted in Poetry Month | Leave a comment April 7 – Post card wishes Posted on April 7, 2024 by Meg A good prompt for a busy work day, a Wish You Were Here postcard...
4. Cute Kitten Hugs His Teddy Bear This cute cat video features an adorable cat named Meesha expressing his love for his toys. He’s snuggled up in a blanket and hugging a soft teddy bear. There’s soft lullaby piano music playing in the background, making it a great video to help c...
She adores my husband and is always on his lap. However, she sometimes hisses or swats when we try to discipline her by simply removing her from an area. She's very smart, does tricks for treats, and plays fetch. I want to reduce her aggression, especially toward visitors. I suspect ...
Hisses, Hexes, and Homicide(Book 2) Furballs and Felonies(Book 3) Crime and Cat-astrophes(Book 4 – which debuts Feb. 12) We also have more adventures on the way! At least two more books will be released later this year. Pawsome! An honor to meet you both. ...
My girl growls and hisses in play. But when they arent playing she headbutt the boys and begs them for grooming. How is their behavior outside of the fights? Sep 2, 2020 #6 OP D DHoff123 TCS Member Kitten Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 4 Purraise 0 She wants nothing to do with...
they haven’t seen eachother today but she’s seen the other little dog and they’re fine with eachother she just hisses at her Jun 3, 2021 #23 BellaGooch TCS Member Top Cat Joined Mar 20, 2019 Messages 3,760 Purraise 8,050 Understandable. Just make sure it’s safe for your ...
“all prisoners and captives” in counterpoint. And of course there are the dramas on the railway line, the red petticoat, all that. And OK, some of us do cracking up with emotion when the great green locomotive (LSWR Adam T3 class No. 563) puffs in for the first time and hisses to...
friendliest of cats to me but she doesn’t know how to cope with others, especially people who have watched her, are around. She wants to be center of attention but then all the sudden gets panic’d I might leave and then hisses. Two minutes later she will be rubbing up against you....