This PDF emotion wheel document can be downloaded, printed and used in lessons. They cover 24 emotions and explore looking at what colours they might be, why you may feel a certain emotion, what happens to our minds and bodies and ways to support through the more difficult feelings. Printed...
and understanding emotions and behaviors to develop empathy, or even simply to create “socially appropriate” responses. The process requires the use of our prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for higher executive functions, like attention and controlled responses). A brain’s prefr...
Emotions Fashion & Style Affirmations Twelve-Step Programs Communication & Social Skills Anxieties & Phobias Journaling Aging Substance Abuse & Addictions Mood Disorders Handwriting Analysis Sexual Instruction General Motivational & Inspirational Creativity ...
With regard to motivation, we distinguished between reflective processes (involving evaluations and plans) and automatic processes (involving emotions and impulses that arise from associative learning and/or innate dispositions) [7, 18, 20]. Thus, we identified six components within the behavioural ...
The Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW) is an example of such a program, promoting activities that support social engagement and positive emotions within a holistic framework underpinned by positive psychology. WoW is intended to be flexibly implemented in each community, training community members who implement...
can evoke pointed emotions or memories. Color can change the atmosphere and feeling of a piece from dull and lifeless to bright and entrancing. As the role of the Internet in business and education increases, color must be used both to interest clients and to work on behalf of computer ...
Deepenanunderstandingofhowspiritual well-beingintegratesandpermeatesall otherareasoftheWholenessWheel WholenessWheel FoundationalCompetencies: 1.SpiritualWell-Being;2.SocialInterpersonalWell-Being;3.EmotionalWell-Being;4.PhysicalWell-Being; 5.FinancialWell-Being;6.VocationalWell-Being;7.IntellectualWell-Being 1...
Emotions - Psychology Mental Health Physiological Psychology Human Sexuality - Psychology Interpersonal Relations Personality Psychopathology Clinical Psychology Creative Ability PHILOSOPHY Hindu Hermeneutics Reference Zen General Individual Philosophers Essays Ethics & Moral Philosophy Language History & Surveys Politi...