WhatsApp Business API Get connected with the robust WhatsApp Business API and expand your client experience! Get Demo Features Business Profile And Verified Sender The WhatsApp Business API enables enterprises to build a recognizable and trustworthy profile with a green checkmark badge that confirms ...
打开SaleSmartly后台【集成-WhatsApp API】页面,点击添加WhatsApp Business API号码按钮。 在集成弹窗中,填入YCloud API Key,在点击确定按钮后,即可完成YCloud商业API号码接入。 2.集成NxCloud商业API号码 请先注册NxCloud后台,将对应信息填写至本后台,后续通过NxCloud后台添加WABA/号码,都可同步至SaleSmartly。
圧倒的な規模と接続性を利用し、WhatsApp上の顧客にリーチできます。WhatsApp Businessプラットフォームを活用し、Twilioの信頼性に優れたAPI、ソフトウェア、ファーストパーティ顧客データを利用してパーソナライズされた顧客エンゲージメントソリューションを構築してください。
//twil.io/secureaccount_sid=os.environ['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']auth_token=os.environ['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']client=Client(account_sid,auth_token)message=client.messages \\.create(body='This is a message that I want to send over WhatsApp with Twilio!',from_='whatsapp:+14155238886',to='whats...
{"users":[{"username":"username"}],"errors":[{"code":1234,"details":"optional-detailed-error-message","title":"error-code-title"}],"meta":{"api_status":"deprecated","version":"whatsapp-business-api-client-version"}} 最后修改时间: 4 个月前 ...
An easy way to build Whatsapp Chatbots on top of the new Whatsapp Cloud API cloud meta sdk chatbot whatsapp whatsapp-bot cloud-api whatsapp-api whatsapp-business whatsapp-business-api whatsapp-cloud-api whatsapp-cloud-api-client whatsapp-cloud Updated Nov 25, 2024 JavaScript Bindambc...
2. Grab your phone and send a warm WhatsApp message to your WhatsApp Business Account number. 3. Look back to the Chat with your custom Teams bot You will receive the WhatsApp message and you can reply to it in Teams. Try it. ...
或者,您也可以在 [WhatsApp Manager] > [帳戶工具] > [訊息範本] 中檢視和編輯所有 WhatsApp Business 帳戶的範本。 若要以程式設計方式列出範本,您可以擷取您頻道識別碼的所有範本: C# 複製 MessageTemplateClient messageTemplateClient = new MessageTemplateClient(connectionString); Pageable<MessageTemp...
WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that enables businesses to automate communication and connect with customers at a larger scale, leading to increased revenue and conversions. With features like automated replies, interactive messages, and persona
There are two client classes that can be used to interact with the API: WhatsappBusinessCloudApi, a synchronous/blockingWhatsApp Business Platform Cloud APIclient; Send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business Platform. The Cloud API allows you to implement Whats...