KVN Software Pvt Ltd is a leading provider of WhatsApp Business API in India. As an official partner, we help you integrate WhatsApp with your business effortlessly.
{"api_status":"stable","version":"whatsapp-business-api-client-version"} api_status enum<string> 可选 枚举值: deprecatedexperimentalstable version string 可选 messages array[object (Message) {1}] 可选 id string 可选 示例 复制 { "messages": [ { "id": "gBEGkYiEB1VXAglK1ZEqA1YKPrU" ...
WhatsApp Business API Get connected with the robust WhatsApp Business API and expand your client experience! Points Of Entry Make it easy for your clients to get in touch with you. To increase interaction, place buttons or QR codes at several entry points, such as your website and app, or...
Enable WhatsApp API to send important business messages. From bank account notifications, payment receipts to delivery alerts, WhatsApp API does it all. Enhanced Client Support Gain the trust of your clients. Integrate WhatsApp to your help desk and your staff will be able to engage with your...
{"users":[{"username":"username"}],"errors":[{"code":1234,"details":"optional-detailed-error-message","title":"error-code-title"}],"meta":{"api_status":"deprecated","version":"whatsapp-business-api-client-version"}} 最后修改时间: 5 个月前 ...
2960+ Client Reviews PROCESS WORK PROCESS Get Started with ToolBridges WhatsApp Business API in 4 Easy Steps. 01 Signup/Login Sign up or log in to your ToolBridges account to get started. 02 Setup WhatsApp API Register your phone number with Meta for the WhatsApp Business API. 03 Create...
“ Our goal is to provide our clients with solutions that make their transactions on our platform more meaningful. Deploying CEQUENS Bots, WhatsApp for Business API, and SMS API has enabled us to enhance the way Urenters reach out to us, positively impacting our ROI and client satisfaction ra...
Communiquez personnellement avec chaque client sur la messagerie WhatsApp en utilisant les API, les logiciels et les données clients fiables de Twilio. Construisez votre solution d'engagement WhatsApp parfaite avec une évolutivité et une connectivité
//twil.io/secureaccount_sid=os.environ['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']auth_token=os.environ['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']client=Client(account_sid,auth_token)message=client.messages \\.create(body='This is a message that I want to send over WhatsApp with Twilio!',from_='whatsapp:+14155238886',to='whats...
1.2 Ycloud里面注册WhatsApp API号码教程 绑定WhatsApp账号:https://www.ycloud.com/console/#/app/whatsApp/getStarted 绑定教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Aa4y1g7di/ 1.3 将API Key填入SaleSmartly后台 打开SaleSmartly后台【集成-WhatsApp API】页面,点击添加WhatsApp Business API号码按钮。