Adults. When treating less serious infections in adults, doctors will prescribe 100 mg of doxycyclinetwice a day on the first day, followed by 100 mg once a day. If the infection is severe or life threatening, the doctor will prescribe 100 mg twice a day. What happens after stopping doxycy...
Each user was charged $0.99 for lifetime access. Despite the charge, people were quick to adopt WhatsApp as it allowed users to send picture messages for free, which was a huge bonus at the time. However, when the company was acquired by Facebook, the model was scraped and the app bec...
noun, plural buck·teeth [buhk-teeth]. a projecting tooth, especially an upper front tooth. What is a half witted person? :a very stupid person. Other Words from half-wit. half-witted \ -ˈwi-təd \ adjective. Boy bullied for buck teeth gets new smile after donations pour...
1.AskSstotalkabouttheiropinionsaboutmountainclimbing.(dangerous;manyaccidents;loseyourlife;indangeroussituations;takerisks;exciting) Guesswhatthepassageis aboutaccordingtothetitleandthepicture. (1)Whatcanyouseeinthepicture? (2)Whatmaythepassagetalkabout? A.Howtoclimbmountainsandhavefun. B.Howtogetoutofthe...
I’ve fallen in love many times but always with you. Forever is a long time. But I don’t mind spending it by your side. We’re not perfect, but we’re perfect for each other. Loving you was of the best decisions of my life.Your...
1 Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents. True Fals 52、e Dont know2 Aron had a serious accident in April 2003.True False Dont know3 Aron ran out of water after three days.True False Dont know4 Aron wrote his book before his serious accident.True False Dont...
Characters(who)Setting(when,where)PlotReasonProcessResultFunnypartPunchlineStoryCAmiddleagedman/clown;AdoctorSeeingadoctorAhospitalFeltdepressedforoveramonthWaitfor;examinehim;givesuggestionsThemanwastheclown.“IamGrock!” AddatitletoeachstoryDon’tbetoocleverbyhalf. AddatitletoeachstoryDon’toverthink.Sometimes...
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. A bad attitude is like a flat tire, and you can't go anywhere until you change it. Excellence is not a skill; it is an attitude. The quickest way to double your money is to FOLD it in half and put it back in your pocket. ...
WhatsApp has implemented Message Drafts to address a common problem: losing track of half-typed messages. It’s easy to get distracted or interrupted, especially in a world of multitasking, where a user might begin typing a message only to have something else come ...
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”– Confucius “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”– Oscar Wilde “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” -Theodore Roosevelt “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue ...