hedoesn’tappreciatethem.Derivations:appreciation:n.appreciative:adj.Detailedreading Synonyms:enjoy,understand Comparison:appreciate,enjoyappreciate:Itmeans“tobethankfulorgratefulforsomething,”aswellas“tolikeorvaluesomethingforitsgoodqualities.”e.g.Wereallyappreciateallthehelpyougaveuslastweekend.
感化,影响;传染,使感染 infection n.感染 Synonym: contagious, spreading, transmissible, communicable Detailed reading11– infectious2 Good manners are easy to catch./ Good manners can easily be passed from one person to another./ Good manners have favorable, impressive and very good influence on ...
Merit has become synonym of unfairness. Hence, the school is just a huge pool where everybody is expected to jump in, but there are no lanes, no rules, no training or coaches only some lifeguards. Just stay in, then, when it’s time to jump out, we will see. I chose the metaphor...
Synonym: precious Detailed reading Comparison: priceless, precious e.g. Pandas are precious creatures. 熊猫是珍贵的动物。 priceless: refering to something that is worth a lot of money or can not be calculated in monetary terms precious: emphasizing the fact that something is ...
so it may be that they looked up the most obscure synonym for each word and then garbled up the grammar a bit to top it off. I would be ashamed to be associated with the writing of that exam. I do not consider it an ethical way to make an exam difficult. Unfortunately, that is ...
It is refreshing to see a martial arts pose that isn’t absurdly ineffective. I wonder if Hines, a black belt, had some input, or if he just lucked out. To me, as an athlete, she looks athletic, if not quite buff. I gather many people use the termthinas a synonym forskinny, i...