Ricky is so right; Your say - a citywhose considerably of black slaves blackmusic AScouser with bottlewho took on the system andwon, whatever next? Lever, Chester Before you know it ordinary working people will be getting ideas above their station, and demanding to be paid what they know ...
You say 'whatever you say' to indicate that you accept what someone has said, even though you do not really believe them or do not think it is a good idea. e.g. 'We'll go in your car, Billy.'—'Whateveryou say.' “比利,我们要坐你的车。”——“随便。” 8.(用于提出建议或警告...
It takes time and calls for much education. infectious: adj. 1) able to pass a disease from one person, animal or plant to another (指疾病)传染的,感染的 e.g. Flu is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and exhaustion. 流感是一种传染病,其特征是发热、全身疼痛和...
Ifonereceivesanannouncementofaweddingafteritisover,anoteofcongratulationmaybesent,butagiftisnotnecessary.LOGO9/86 AnIntegratedanalysisofthetextPre-readingQuestions ❖1.Whattypeofwritingisthepassage?(Narration,Argumentation,Exposition)❖2.Whatisthispassageconcernedwith?❖3.Howisthepassageorganized?LOGO10/86...
2)torecognizeorunderstandthatsomethingisvaluable,importantorasdescribed e.g.There’snopointbuyinghimexpensivewines—hedoesn’tappreciatethem.Derivations:appreciation:n.appreciative:adj.Detailedreading Synonyms:enjoy,understand Comparison:appreciate,enjoyappreciate:Itmeans“tobethankfulorgratefulforsomething,”aswellas“...
ayou should listen to your mother (用must改为同义词) you should listen to your mother (changes synonym with must)[translate] aer was too bad 唔是太坏的[translate] amaybe now it is a process,but perhaps it becomes really certain in future. maybe now it is a process, but perhaps it be...
It’sbadmannerstointerrupt. However,whenitisusedinthemeaningof“aperson’soutwardbearing,wayofspeaking,etc.”theword“manner”ismoreoftenthannotinthesingular.方式(法);态度,举止 e.g.:Shewasunusuallysoftandgentleinhermannerwhentalkingtohim. 15/86 ...
aToday is an excellent day for making small changes and improvements.Whatever is working for you,find a way to improve it just a little.There'sno need to make a huge change,just a small one,something you can do right now. 今天是一优秀天为做零钱和改进。什么为您运作,发现一个方式改进它...
V.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.thanks (recognition) 2.activeness (liveliness, briskness, eagerness) 3.fashionable (graceful, elegant) 4.selfish (mean, ungenerous) 5.nice (courteous, polite, friendly) 6.leisurely (relaxed,...
canmakeyoufeelbetteraboutyourself,andthenyoulookbettertoeveryonearoundyou.Agraciousmannernotonlysetsanexcellentexampleforyourchildrenandgrandchildrenbutitaddspricelesspanachetoyourimage.34/86wordspricelessadj.1.无价;极宝贵;极有趣2.极有趣;3.荒谬;极为可笑synonym:无价:valuable,expensive,etc.antonym:valueless ...