Dr. Laurie Walsh, Professor of Dental Science at the University of Queensland, stated that the chemical could be used to treat a variety of conditions, including gingivitis and inflammation, as well as bleeding gums. NICNAS Australia conducted a risk assessment and found no reason to be concerned...
Increasing average temperatures and heat waves are having devasting impacts on human health and well-being but studies of heat impacts and how people adapt
The participants were drawn from a wide range of contexts: The Australian Government Department of Education; State/Territory Departments of Education (Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory); Independent Schools (SA, ACT); Teacher Union (NSW); Ministerial...
In short, it has everything that, in my opinion, a good review should have. Thank you, David McDade! I say, while the reviewers pick their recordings of the month and of the year, let the visitors of MusicWeb pick their review of the year! :-) I'd like to hear from other ...
Bordered by the Indian and Pacific oceans, Australia is an island country and continent with over 24 million inhabitants. This country is made up of six states: New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania....
Meanwhile, the measures taken by the Australian government also made people guess if they have underestimated the scale of the bushfires this year. As of the beginning of last December, New South Wales (NSW) was scorched by more than 80 blazes, half of which not under control. Former prime...
The length of time participants had worked as clinicians ranged from one year and one month to three years and five months, with an average of two years and two months. The majority of participants (n = 8) were first-time clinical educators, with the remainder (n = 2) being ...
In 2009, the Queensland state government banned all police pursuits unless there had been a murder or there was an imminent risk to life. Since this policy was introduced, not one person has died in a police pursuit. The Australian state of Victoria has a similar policy. The former head of...
prominent people, from both major parties, that have made the case for Proposition 1: for instance Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee in 2012, did so back in March, and just a few days ago Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic presidential nominee this year, did so in this ...