high stakes assessment, as a sort of outcome, for the learning for all of our students, obviously has a significant impact on people’s confidence in education as a whole, even though we just think of it as sort of the students at the end of year 12. It’s what hopefully we will fe...
Welcome to year four of everything I’m reading, watching and listening to in regard to the multiple planetary crises’ we face (the polycrisis), as well as articles on important social issues, because how societies function is fundamental if we want to have a stable e...
Your episode regarding her a year or two ago was the most accurate and eloquent I've seen yet. I share what I remember of it with people who drool over the saintliness and all that. I want to be able to record that episode and memorize it word for word. Thanks for all you do....
In a Sprint Retrospective Meeting, the last Sprint is analysed in terms of the process followed, the tools employed, collaboration and communication mechanisms, and other aspects relevant to the subject. The team discusses what went well in the previous Sprint, what did not go so well, with ...
“Metaverse” the term was first coined in 1992 in Snow Crash, a Neil Stephenson sci-fi novel that propounds the onset of a dystopian digital reality where the physical world has become inhabitable and the only exit is through virtual reality. The Metaverse, in its marketed form factor, is...
Number of articles and impact evaluations at 5-year increments Full size image Geographical representativeness of articles The dataset of included articles represents a range of geographic regions (Fig.4a). The most studied regions, with over 200 articles, are Eastern Africa, Southern Asia, and Sout...
“Remediating low ability Year 9 class” Critical theories Response indicates links to language commonly seen in critical theories discourses. “Evaluation of games as valid text”“Literature conceptualisation”“Deconstruction of characters”“Examination of dystopian genre” Non-specific on matters of ped...
Each research paper was coded as a text with stated variables and imported into Iramuteq as recommended by Mandjak et al. (2019). The variables coded were “year of publication,”“country of the study,”“category of the journal of the publication” (e.g., business, management), and “...
认识的,不认识的,熟悉的,不熟悉的各路朋友也许会想这啰哩啰嗦半天也没点实际的,谁看着絮絮叨叨的一大段呀。那好吧,这是第一次,也许也是最后一次,你会看到新郎新娘一起出现在这里。 Happy Anniversary, A.
Public parks commonly contain important habitat for urban biodiversity, and they also provide recreation opportunities for urban residents. However, the ex