They tend to constantly connect their activities toward an organizational greater good.When Jack Welch was creating turmoil inside GE with his “vitality curve” or the “ol’ rank and yank: grading system as it was known, he was constantly reminding staff that it was ultimately for the good ...
In each poem, however, Tolson, who was ethnically both African-American and native American, continued to opine about race, and about the difficulty of squaring the actual experiences of American minorities with the idea of equality promised by the American experiment. True, the form of Harlem ...
Many narratives, particularly those aimed at young adults and younger audiences, focus on coming-of-age themes. We all come of age, but when, how, and the circumstances surrounding it vary wildly from person to person. What’s an example of the coming-of-age theme? In Great Expectations ...
Back in the late 2000s I was enjoying my athletic peak and just barely managing not to embarrass myself with younger and more talented athletes. One hot summer night I was running low on electrolytes: too much sweating, not enough salt intake. (Actually, that’s a surprising myth.15) I...
‘And then I was away, because you've got that structure with traditional crime fiction. You don't have to worry about the plot, really. You've got a body, you've got a limited number of suspects. And you've got some form of resolution. Somebody said it's like a corset to hold...
Needless to say the settlements “can be solved” was a frequent reassurance, as the debaters, felt that over time, things would simply settle down even as far as that was concerned. I realised that here I was, someone deeply involved in the cause, (albeit, merely as a blogger, activist...
With a conceit, the author presents a unique perspective on their writing’s subject. Conceits are often found in poetry, particularly Renaissance and metaphysical poetry. One well-known example of a conceit is the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot: “Let us go then...
as a penniless 21 year-old stowaway on a railway car — to escape military conscription and being forced by the Communist government to paint propagandist imagery. She was a Moroccan-born socialite living there, the stepdaughter of a distinguished French general, when he was commissioned to paint...
The thing, though, is that public libraries have always been with me throughout my life. My childhood and teen years were very difficult times but I found comfort, even rescue, in the pages provided for free there. I hope future generations will be able to do the same. ...
what was possible. In general, there was a ‘catastrophic’ situation of ‘undergrazing’. We must look to examples of where problems had been solved. Simon Bates agreed that it was vital that the agencies talked face to face with farmers. EM said that there was a real problem with ...