Still, the surveillance predominantly aims to capture us for a market. If you are reading this on a screen, then you are probably ignoring the ads in a sidebar. How did they know that you are a single 40-something? Or a woman who wants running shoes? Or a man who might wear Brooks ...
It is one where the object or action is mentioned later or repeatedly in a sentence or paragraph. It is used predominantly in literature. I will start with William Shakespeare as an example again, from As You Like It. As you can see, he is referencing the stage with players, entrances, ...
Did you know that John Connolly is now Dr. John Connolly? Yep. Congratulations from all of us! I mention that not just because I think it’s cool, but because the last half of Night & Day is a monograph John was asked to write. “While Horror Express might not make the list of my...
–George Orwell War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. –George Orwell "True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice." –Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. A bad peace is even worse than war. –Aelianus Tacticus All we are saying is ...