When Mr. Fleagle finished he put the final seal on my happiness by saying, "Now that, boys, is an essay, don't you see. It's — don't you see — it's of the very essence of the essay, don't you see. Congratulations, Mr. Baker." 我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章...
The Intolerant Fox The Investigative Project On Terrorism The Jawa Report The Last Refuge The Last Tradition The LCA Broadside The Liberty Professor The Llama Butchers The Long War Journal The Median Sib The Next Right The Nose On Your Face The Obama File The Other McCain The Paragraph Farmer ...
I burned out big time right around my 40th birthday because I ignored these things for so long, and it’s been hard to climb out of the hole. It seems like, for me, right now, it’s never a mistake to prioritize these things over work, homeschool, or anything else. Leave a commen...
When a patrol has to set up a night defensive position, everyone digs a hole – deep enough to get your head below the ground surface – two soldiers to a hole – so one is always awake (you hope and pray). So if possible you place the holes close enough to not create gaps. If ...
Park, had a hand in the development of the modern insanity defense, and was a celebrated if controversial Union Army field general. The best book on Sickle's amazing, checkered and long public life is Thomas Keneally'sAmerican Scoundrel: The Life of the Notorious Civil War General Dan Sick...
Only a tactical shovel will do when digging a trench or a foxhole.Check out our Best Survival Shovels Guide for even more information.20. Survival KnifeIt’s safe to say a fixed-blade survival knife is the most popular survival gear for most people – as it should be. ...
It took me another day to sort out that the responses were coming from Mike’s wife, Crystal, when she sent a simple note “Yes, he is in the process of dying right now from cancer.” What a gut punch. Mike and I had been in touch all year on fishing topics, he never once ...
I'd rather work with a 50-year-old than anyone because he or she, generally, will go on until the last dog dies. Never prissy. Always engaged. Nothing is too hard. Boomers are "Foxhole People" to the core. One (1) Huntin' Dog. ...
Trump, on the other hand, is less calculated and more reactive to populist sentiment and current events. Neither is necessarily right or wrong, but they were certain to clash. I admire James Mattis in a way I’ll never look at President Trump. In a foxhole, or by my hospital bed, I...
To be fair, this is exactly what I believed when I was a Christian. Before I went to war, I heard it said there are no atheists in foxholes, yet I became an atheist in part becauseI was in a foxhole(technically a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle—same difference). ...