“Mark my words – A.I. is far more dangerous than nukes.” Elon Musk CEO, SpaceX Elon Musk also has similar views about machine intelligence. According to him, AI could be more dangerous than nuclear warheads, and the speculation that AI could become a million times more intelligent tha...
and politics would go into S. Korea "updating" N. Korea to S. Korea's current status? The only thing N. Korea has to give is Pyongyang, some low-class nukes, and a very, very hungry population. China probably isn't worrying it's polluted little head about that up-f...
how many legacy RE and Nukes we have (not as many as we could have had, had we planned ahead) and the size of our population (9 to 10 billion, barring catastrophe probably) Euan Mearns says: December 30, 2014 at 11:54 am Hugh, while the conversation may appear to be schizophren...
He estimates its yield at 10 to 15 kilotons—the same as Hiroshima. “This type of threat is very survivable,” he says. “It would be bad, but the republic would survive.” Related Stories Everything You Need to Know About N. Korean Nukes North Korea Hit Its Own City With a ...
War with Iran even WITHOUT outside support for Iran (Russia, China) would be Iraq x100. They’re not a bunch of savages like the media make them out to be, and are preparing for the worst. I honestly don’t think America can win a war with Iran. Maybe if nukes are involved. In ...
‘TANGEDCO sources in Chennai said, “Shortage of coal is a major concern across the country. The government of India will have to spend more money to import coal. So, the Centre has instructed all State governments to promote solar energy systems.”‘ ...
And with global war still on the menu for the 2024 area (plus or minus NorKNukes and the gunpoint re-unification of Taiwan), stockpiling of strategic materials will be something to keep an eye on in the headlines and your awareness. ...
Liverpool Plains has some of the best farming soils in the state and they’ll be needed long after the miners have gone. Caution is obviously required. But rarely I would agree with Cohenite on potential of Thorium. Assuming ya like your nukes glowing and warm. ...
Remember also, that the attack does not have to be with a bomb. It could be a programmed biological threat, like this current bird/swine flu situation taken to a higher level. Or, it could be a combination of things. First, weaken the population with illness, so they cannot fight, then...
arsenal of a half dozen warheads to intimidate neighboring states in a region where it was isolated. Israel’s nuclear arsenal appears to have been constructed for the same reasons. The good news is that South Africa’s nukes were disassembled with the change to a majority rule in the early...