LOW 25 Mar 2018 Record number of US Marines deployed to train in Australia [South China Morning Post] LOW 25 Mar 2018 Chinese Air Force drills again in South China Sea, Western Pacific [Reuters] LOW 25 Mar 2018 China says US warship sailing near Spratly islands is 'severe provocation' ...
In my personal view, we should pay more attention to the humanitarian risks, the ripple effects, and the dangers of nukes in a civil war, in case the Chinese regime implodes after a failed future war. Jan Kallberg, Ph.D.
"The number of batteries that need to be recycled will climb very fast after 2018," said Bai Min, an assistant researcher at the Center For International Economic and Technological Cooperation. Lithium batteries, commonly used by new energy vehicles, pose less hazard to the environment compared wi...
It's way too easy for nukes to start flying all over the globe because of policies like "Fire on Warning". The end of the human species is not worth some land. (Going further, is it worth the 400-800K lives, and millions of a...
The DHS would have approximately 169,000 employees and a budget of $37 billion. Thus far the DHS has not been funded by Congress. Sleep well tonight! Be Sure To Also Read the Recently Updated... Trans-Pacific Fallout Here From Overseas Nukes! Pyongyang: We'll put a torch to New York...
复式住宅 duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building) 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent 附加意外险 supplemental accident insurance 个人演唱会 solo concert (公路)隔离带 median (精通电脑和网络的)高手 ...
Beijing believes nukes at sea are safer from surprise attack, but why does it want more of them?
To reassert his point, Guruswamy exemplified their burgeoning trade relationship, and the potential for the two countries to work together on a number of key security issues, such as terrorism and drug trafficking. More on Mohan Guruswamy: Guruswamy heads the Center for Policy Alternatives in ...
小型核武器 Mini-nukes 小农经济 small-scale peasant economy; autarkical small-scale farming 小道消息 hearsay 小而全 small and all-inclusive 小金库 a private coffer 小康a comfortable level of living; a better-off life; moderate prosperity 小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family 校训...
Li and Wang started working in the Pearl River Delta in 2004. Since a train ticket was impossible for them at the time, the couple took coaches with a number of transfers to return home until 2014, when roads were built in their village. ...