What is the category of biomolecule that is the most abundant energy source used by the body? Respiration: Respiration is the process through which cells use ingested, digested and absorbed nutrients to obtain chemical energy. The nutrients are oxidised and in this w...
What is the main concern about ingesting simple sugars? Explain carbohydrate metabolism. Describe a major function of the following biomolecule: Carbohydrates What are the limitations of training on a low carbohydrate diet for athletes? What are the 9 Nutritional Components of a healthy diet?
Over time, fibers are broken down, which can cause undesirable wrinkles in the skin as one of many effects. Through accurate studies, it has been proven that when subjects consume hydrolyzed protein, damaged fiber can be replaced by new fiber. This stimulates the production of collagen (cattle ...
Susanna is an Application Scientist at Biolin Scientific. In her PhD thesis, she developed fabrication methods for a new type of inorganic-organic polymers. Microfabricated polymer chips were utilized as tool for biomolecule separation in analytical chemistry. Subscribe to the blog Topics in post Con...
[6]. The tracer principle describes the ability to label minute amounts of a biomolecule of choice (e.g., glucose) with a radioactive isotope, which enables tracing the labelled biomolecule (and, thus, the pathways of the unlabeled biomolecules) by means of the emitted radiation without ...
What is the category of biomolecule that is the most abundant energy source used by the body?Which of the following proteins is most abundant in the human body? A. Elastin. B. Collagen. C. Keratin. D. Reticulin.The ___ cells secrete the fibrous portion of the bone matrix. What type...
(a) Name the three types of muscles. (b) Explain their different functions. What are the six basic cell processes required to make tissues and organs? What are the three forms of biological work in a body? Describe a major function of the following biomolecule: Carbohydr...
Why do we eat (from both an energetics and an biomolecule perspective)? Using this information, and some research on your own - remember to cite where you get it - describe an effective diet plan to lose weight while still remaining healthy (one that deal ...
However, the most widely studied mechanism for biosynthesis of any metal nanoparticle involves the reduction of aqueous metal ions by the donation of an electron from a particular compound or biomolecule that is present in the extracellular metabolites of the extract of the biological system. These ...