Apple trees of any variety are a wonderful addition to your landscape, whether dwarf or full size. Maintaining a spraying schedule to eliminate pests and disease will reward you with healthy, long living trees and juicy, sweet apples. Dormant Oil Apply a dormant-oil spray for fruit trees, per...
When the buds on your plum tree being to show color but have not opened yet, it’s time to spray again. Keep the Oriental fruit moth and the twig borer under control by applyingBacillius thuriengensisto the trees. Also apply captan to control plum pockets, brown rot, leaf curl and sca...
Anything we want to eat, something else wants to eat it more. There will always be pest pressure when we're growing a food-producing plant. Learning how to apply and when to spray fruit trees with organic pest control is an important skill. ...
Spray Your Fruit Trees. Which insect eats and destroys wood from trees? Many species of timber can be attacked by wood-destroying insects such aswood borers and termites. When dealing with timbers, it is important to be aware of the existence and habits of these insects. ...
An update on the avocado “tree” I had all those years ago…It didn’t last. We don’t have the proper surroundings for it. Living with an extremely strict HOA we can’t have ANY kind of fruit trees outside our screen enclosure. So my little tree is no more. Very sad. ...
Originally cultivated by Native Americans, the pawpaw fruit has been dubbed America’s “forgotten fruit.” The humble native fruit has a patriotic past: George Washington, one of the nation’s founding fathers, planted the fruit trees in his home garden
What is Used for Foliar Spray Directly Microbial Fermentation Yeast Molasses Brown Granule What is Green Bio-Fertilizer Vc Ve Number of B Vitamins Granule Bio Fulvic AcidWhat is Good for Fruit Trees Garden Turf Horticulture Adjust Soil pH Seaweed Fertiliser s...
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For the last five years, the farmers have been intercropping improved mango fruit trees with food crops such as maize, sorghum, cassava, sweet potatoes, nitrogen