Anything we want to eat, something else wants to eat it more. There will always be pest pressure when we're growing a food-producing plant. Learning how to apply and when to spray fruit trees with organic pest control is an important skill. ...
Apple trees of any variety are a wonderful addition to your landscape, whether dwarf or full size. Maintaining a spraying schedule to eliminate pests and disease will reward you with healthy, long living trees and juicy, sweet apples. Dormant Oil Apply a dormant-oil spray for fruit trees, per...
One essential aspect of cherry care is aregular spraying program-- those tiny fruits don't tolerate much damage from diseases or pests. When you give your cherry trees proactive treatment with an early dormant spray, preventive fungicide and added TLC if problems arise, you can enjoy a bumper ...
Spray Your Fruit Trees. Which insect eats and destroys wood from trees? Many species of timber can be attacked by wood-destroying insects such aswood borers and termites. When dealing with timbers, it is important to be aware of the existence and habits of these insects. ...
Aerosol cans can be recycled in SA, so set aside those paint, deodorant, spray-and-bake cans. It’s important the label is still intact as some of the products contain hazardous substances, which the handlers need to make sure of.
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Originally cultivated by Native Americans, the pawpaw fruit has been dubbed America’s “forgotten fruit.” The humble native fruit has a patriotic past: George Washington, one of the nation’s founding fathers, planted the fruit trees in his home garden
soil is still warm – passionfruit vines and citrus among them. Deciduous fruit trees in pots should be left until they are dormant and have lost all their leaves before being transplanted into the garden. Together with new bare-root fruit trees, they are best planted in mid to late Winter...
You have to make sure your compost pile gets: Plenty of air: Turn it every four to seven days, especially at first. Adequate water: It should be moist, but not soaking wet; give it a spray weekly. Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen: the ratio should be about 30:1. Small pieces: ...