" Mendell says. "Dehydration is essentially a loss of electrolytes and fluid that can occur from excess sweating, heavy alcohol intake or vomiting/diarrhea. So a craving for salt could indicate dehydration as the body is looking to restore electrolyte and fluid...
We’ll also analyze your gut microbiome and provide personalized nutrition advice to help you eat well for your body. To find out more, start by taking our free quiz. Try a swap In some cases, you might be able to satisfy your craving by eating a different, more nutritious food. Below...
If you’re craving oily and fatty foods, your body is craving fat. Your body needs fat in order to run, keep your cells healthy, protect your organs and manyother functions. You can satisfy this craving with higher quality fats like avocado, coconut oil, grass fed butter or ghee,sustainab...
Bangkok has something to satisfy every craving. But with so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start and what to eat in Bangkok.
Some people are sensitive to salt, which causes higher blood pressure when too much sodium is consumed. Since there is no way of testing who is salt-sensitive and who isn’t, the best precaution is to limit salt and avoid sodium-containing foods if you may be at risk for high blood pr...
But, we’re here to tell you that with the right recipes (easy dinners, preferably ones that don’t require much cleanup) it’s completely possible to get a home cooked meal on the table in a matter of minutes. Whether you’re craving chicken breast, a filet of salmon, thick-cut ...
The more real food you eat, the easier it will be to read your body correctly. Here are a few signs that you’re on the right track: Instead of reaching for a bag of potato chips to quench your salt craving after a sweaty workout or spending time in the sweltering sun, you’re dr...
Reducing your salt intake isn’t always easy. Salt makes most foods taste better and can be hidden in foods in surprising amounts. Here are 15 of the saltiest foods to avoid.
Costco has tons of great options to put on salads. First of all, if you like to keep your toppings separate from your salad until you’re ready to eat it, they have these great Bentgo glass salad containers. They have tons of dried fruit and nuts and seeds which makes a great addition...
Thai cuisine – learn about popular foods, ingredients, recipes or drinks, what to eat and what to expect. 1. Diversity of Ingredients 2. Most Popular Dishes 3. Flavor Combinations 4. Regional Influences 5. Around the World 6. Explore Street Food ...