四年级下册What time is it教学设计(优秀9篇) What Time Is It教案篇一 教学目标: 认知目标: 1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词和词组:music class, P.E class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner. 2、能认读句型:What time is it?并做出相应的回答:It’s…… It’s time for……Let’s ...
教学反思篇一 “Whattimeisit?”教学反思 合理设计课堂活动点燃学生学习热情 ---“What time is it?”教学反思 蓝田县工业园区小学刘宁 在Unit2 let's learn一课中,学生学习的主要目标是能运用“get up,go to school,go home, go to bed”及句型“ What time is it? ”、“ It’s …”、“It’s tim...
1. T: Now from the clock, we know it can tell us : the time(help answer) Prestent the word: time, teach the word. Then show the sentence: what time is it? It’s 6 o’clock.(teach the word: o’clock) students read together. 2. Ask and answer. S1: What time is it? S2: ...
四年级下册What time is it教学设计篇一 教学要求: 思想品德要求:学习格言警句,知道该如何做人、如何处事,要热爱祖国;懂得在邀请别人时要诚心诚意。 知识要求:会读、会背格言警句,理解其意思;学习短文《三顾茅庐》,理解短文内容。把自己最想告诉别人的事、快乐、梦想、美景写成作文,要把意思写具体,写清楚。 能力要...
Unit 2 What time is it?教案篇一a read and write c good to know aims: 1. master the writing of the words: 1-10, and “what time is it? it’s two o’clock. 2. know “read and write” 3. at the same time understanding of the countries in the time to express the difference....
四年级英语下册《Unit2Whattimeisit》精品教案 篇1 教学目标 Grasp the new words and phrase: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Recognize and read the sentences: What time is it? It’s… It’s time for… ...
(1)教学时间的表达法“What time is it?” A、教师出示教具钟表(课前准备)。 T: what’s this? Ss: Clock. T: Yes, It’s a clock. T: What time is it? 教师再将钟拨到七点,It’s seven o’clock再强调seven o’clock. B、教师领读o’clock, What time is it? It’s… C、教师拨动教具...
教案篇一unittwowhattimeis it? teachingaims: abilityobjects 1.enableknowsthesentencesofaskingtimeandknowhow toanswerit,forexample:whattimeisit?it’snine o’clock. 2.enabledescribes:it’stimeforenglishclass.it’s timetogotoschool. 3.enableknowstheorders:timeforbreakfast.drinksome milk. 4.enablesays...
1. 让学生设计一个时间表,包括早上、下午、晚上的活动,并用 "What time is it?" 进行介绍。 2. 组织一个时间知识问答比赛,让学生通过竞争巩固所学知识。 八、教学资源: 1. 钟表模型或图片 2. 单词卡片 3. 录音设备 4. 作业纸 九、教学注意事项: 1. 确保学生在课堂上能充分参与到各个活动中,提高他们的...
四年级下册What time is it教学设计 篇1 教学目标 1、能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:It’s …o’clock 。It’s time for …/It’s time to…;能理解Hurry! Oops , I’m ready 。等单词和短句。 2、 能够在教师的帮助和带读下朗读对话。