The median nerve, the flexortendonsof the fingers, and blood vessels pass through the carpal tunnel, running from theforearminto the hand. The carpal bones and the flexor retinaculum have a very limited capacity to stretch. This means if any inflammation, accumulation of fluid, irritation, or i...
People who have fallen arches, are flat-footed, or walk on the outer edge of the foot are at greater risk of developing tarsal tunnel syndrome. This is because these conditions place greater strain on the flexor retinaculum, as well of many of the structures it protects, and this can resul...
It’s the last three points that are really important to understand—all that anchoring to deep structures. Most people still think of the IT band as being free to move relative to the femur, like any other self-respecting tendon: a strap that lies under the skin, separated from the femur...
In short, these structures in the lower neck are the common underlying causes of the many arm pain syndromes confronting your chiropractor on a daily basis. The rotator cuff syndromes, frozen shoulders, carpal tunnel syndromes and tingling in the arms and hands. Arm pain ... ...
A while ago I also had some pain in them (not carpal tunnel sort of pain, in the actual wrist, felt like it was damaged) and I think it may have been related. My hips are terrible, my cousin also has hips like mine, although hers pop loudly when she twists them out (she's not...