Stiffness measurement were done transversely at the carpal tunnel inlet (pisiform bone to scaphoid tubercle) of non-dominant hand in combination of the 2 wrist joint motions; wrist neutral and wrist 30 degrees extension, and the 3 finger motions; finger neutral, full finger grasp, and full ...
RESULTS: The safe zone was determined to be within the area 11.2 ± 2.7 mm anterior to the landmark line. After open osteotomy, lacerations were found in 3 of 10 MC nerves and 3 of 10 LC nerves. After percutaneous osteotomy, lacerations were found in 2 of 10 MC nerves and 1 of 10...
Jae TH, Sang WL, Seung HH, Byung CS, Jae HS, Choon KP, Chun KP, Joon KK, Moon CK (2006) Anatomy of neurovascular structures around the carpal tunnel during dynamic wrist motion for endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Neurosurgery 58 Suppl 1: ONS-127-ONS-13...
To this end, 10 fresh cadaveric wrist specimens had radiopaque markers placed adjacent to key anatomic structures within the wrist and hand. A new technique for localizing the hook of the hamate was established. We found that the thick segment of the flexor retinaculum, often defined as the ...
Purpose: The goal of this descriptive study was to investigate the anatomy of the carpal tunnel with respect to the related neurovascular structures, because a detailed knowledge of the complex anatomy of this region is essential to perform endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Methods: Sixteen fresh-...
An apparatus embodying the disclosed method is also described, as well as a method for the quantitative measurement of a nerve tissue suspected of demyelination, including the measurement of the median nerve for demyelination within a carpal tunnel.Roberts, David...