Baten Kaitos and Phantasy Star Online. Lugaru and Overgrowth. Soul Calibur V. Dark Souls (1 and 3), Bloodborne & Blasphemous and other similar games. Castlevanias. Metal Gear Solid. Resident Evil Remake and 4, Dead Space. Oddworld. 007s, Perfect Dark, Wolfensteins, Dooms,...
GTA V and Skyrim are also games I can’t seem to stop playing. anxious_f0x, Dec 27, 2017 #62 Repo Man and jbscotchman like this. TR2N Master Guru Messages: 714 Likes Received: 94 GPU: AMD CS1.6 online Insane fun TR2N, Dec 27, 2017 #63 Veteran Guest -Tj- said:...
There's a bunch more games where I have either no platinum or no 100% on but due to me not wanting to finish them (boredom, stressful, etc) I won't include those. Injustice Gods among Us, Grand Theft Auto 4, and those with multiplayer or multiplayer DLCs to games likeAssassins Creed...