Resident Evil Village is set in a "village" resting in the shadow of an ancient castle. The Village Delve deeper into the village in which Ethan finds himself. Take a closer look at a map with the four crests, the settlements the villagers reside in, and many other locations outside of...
Der er solo- og co-op-modes og nye udfordringer, som spillerne aldrig før har mødt i Resident Evil-serien. Med denne udgave får du alt det ekstra multiplayer-indhold, der har været udgivet, et forbedret matchmakingsystem og bonus-outfit til alle figurerne. KØB NU ...
Resident Evil 2 火热发售中 一切都凌驾于玩家的想像之上。 一场生化灾难於1998年9月袭击了浣熊市,从残害幸存者的丧尸地狱中生还吧。 无尽的刺激、引人入胜的故事和无法想像的恐怖正在等候你。 见证系列首屈一指的杰作──《Resident Evil 2》的重生吧。
De geremasterde versie van Resident Evil 0 bevat verbluffende HD-graphics, gemoderniseerde besturing en nog veel meer
Buy Resident Evil on PS4. The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back! Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil.
Resident Zombie - Evil Village plunges players into a chilling survival experience, seen from a unique top-down perspective.
If you’re a Resident Evil fan you can’t deny the fact that you’ve har at one point or another some dirty thoughts about the girls in the series. The way they are portrayed in the original releases sure has made you horny many times. They’re all hot vixens and you can feel the...
Buy Resident Evil Revelations on PS4. Join Jill Valentine aboard a ghost ship in the Mediterranean Sea searching for her old partner, Chris Redfield.
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game. Experience survival horror like never before in the eighth major installment in the storied Resident Evil franchise - Resident Evil Vill
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