prequalifies, prerequiring, prerequisite, quacksalvers, quadrangular, quadraphonic, quadrennials, quadrenniums, quadricepses, quadrillions, quadriphonic, quadriplegia, quadriplegic, quadrivalent, quadrumanous, quaintnesses, qualmishness, quantifiable, quantitating, quantitation, quantitative, quantization, quar...
This tense and upsetting film has more psychological depth and empathy than the comparable sensationalist fare of its time, and shudder-inducing cinematic style to spare. “Private Property” qualifies as a genuine rediscovery. Post navigation 1 2 3 … 5 Next Categories...
So we’ve talked a lot about what qualifies as a coming of age movie. And while the last act of this film is about being an adult, since it’s actually about dealing with a first love that defined you, I think this is a beautiful way to show why coming of age films are so impor...
This guide is designed for the filmmaker, regardless of what part of the equation you make up. What qualifies me to spill this information? Fair question. I have amassed what you’re about to read through my hits and misses spanning back from 1986 until now. In over 30 years I have pro...